These lovelies were proud members of the groups from San Felipe. In the five to six days that led up to Monday's show, these girls managed to learn three separate routines from several different choreographers. This picture is the epitome of excitement little ballerinas everywhere get to experience before their big moment on stage.
What you don't know is that the photographer of this particular photo is also a young member of the San Felipe ensemble. Throughout our time in Panama, whether it was at rehersal or the theater, the children were well-aware of all the photos being taken of them. They loved posing for our pictures and revelled at the thought of seeing their images on our cameras.
As the girls were getting ready for the ballet piece that Monday, the dressing room was a-buzz with too-too's and glitter. One of the San Felipe girls saw me taking pictures with my digital Kodak, and the next thing I know, I'm getting a tap on my shoulder, "Profe'." She proceeded to shape her hands as if she was taking a picture herself in an apparent request to assume my position behind the camera.
After about 20 minutes had gone by, I found my substitute photographer and started to review her work. Don't you know this girl took almost 100 pictures in 20 minutes!! Thank goodness I had purchased a new memory card the day before, 'cause she made sure all her friends were accounted for, including all of their mothers who were there helping out. She was also able to employ the black & white option on the camera, effectively as seen above!